Peace Day 2024: Elusive Peace in Israel Palestine?

Why does peace diplomacy fail? What role do nuclear weapons play in security, deterrence, and peace? And is it possible to educate for peace? Welcome to a seminar on Peace Day 2024.
- Welcome by Isabel Bramsen, Director of Peace and
Conflict studies - The Failure of Peace Diplomacy, Karin Aggestam,
Director of Centre for Advances Middle Eastern
Studies (CMES) - Nuclear weapons, deterrence, security and
peace, Hebatalla Taha, Associate Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) - Education for Peace in the past and present, Maria
Småberg, Senior Lecturer in Peace and Conflict
Co-organized by Peace and Conflict Studies and the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern
Studies, Lund University
About the event
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isabel [dot] bramsen [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se