Lisa Strömbom

Lisa Strömbom is Associate Professor in Political Science and MECW researcher at CMES. She has published on identities in conflict, conflict transformation and historiography, recognition in intrastate conflict as well as on grassroots peacebuilding with a main empirical focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She leads the project “Pushing the boundaries of peace research – reconceptualizing and measuring agonistic peace”, funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Strömbom also serves as PI for the project "The military as an 'agent of change' for gender-relations in post-conflict societies?" funded by Vetenskapsrådet/SIDA 2019-2021. She has published the monograph Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013), and coauthored the text-book War and Peace in Israel-Palestine (Krig och Fred i Israel/Palestina) with Professor Karin Aggestam and Ph D Anders Persson (Studentlitteratur, 2014). She has co-edited the book Divided Cities - Governing Diversity with Professor Annika Björkdahl (Nordic Academic Press, 2015). She has published articles in journals such as European Journal of International Relations, Global Society, Journal of International Realstions and Development, Third World Quarterly, Space and Polity, the European Legacy, Mediterranean Politics and Peacebuilding. In April 2020 she was promoted to Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) by the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
How Ethnic Discrimination Shapes Political Reintegration After War : Insights from a Conjoint Experiment in Colombia
Gustav Agneman, Lisa Strömbom
(2025) Journal of Conflict Resolution, 69 p.152-177
Journal articleIsrael’s relations with the UN hit a new low with Unrwa ban
Lisa Strömbom
(2024) The Conversation
Journal articleDo Apologies Promote the Reintegration of former combattants? : Lessons from a Video Experiment in Colombia.
Gustav Agneman, Lisa Strömbom, Angelika Rettberg
(2024) Journal of Peace Research
Journal articleInclusivity in Practice : Patchworks of Inclusion at Multiple Tracks in the Colombian Peace Process
Isabel Bramsen, Lisa Strömbom
(2024) Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Journal articleThe two-state impasse in Israel/Palestine : The EU caught between egalitarian norms and expansionist realpolitik
Lisa Strömbom, Anders Persson
(2023) Frontiers in Political Science, 5
Journal articleAbrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern
Anders Persson, Lisa Strömbom
(2023) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 125 p.423-444
Journal articleTracing Responses to Recognition in the Oslo Peace Process and Its Aftermath : The Interlinkage between Relational and Internal Ontological Security
Lisa Strömbom, Yoav Kapshuk
(2022) Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 39 p.315-332
Journal articleAgonistic peace agreements? : Analytical tools and dilemmas
Lisa Strömbom, Isabel Bramsen, Anne Lene Stein
(2022) Review of International Studies, 48 p.689-704
Journal articleAgonistic Peace: Advancing Knowledge on Institutional Dynamics and Relational Transformation
Lisa Strömbom, Isabel Bramsen
(2022) Third World Quarterly, 43 p.1237-1250
Journal articleA versatile organisation : Mapping the military's core roles in a changing security environment
Nina Wilén, Lisa Strömbom
(2022) European Journal of International Security, 7 p.18-37
Journal articleAgonistic Recognition as a Remedy for Identity Backlash : Insights from Israel and Turkey
Lisa Strömbom, Bahar Rumelili
(2022) Third World Quarterly, 43 p.1361-1379
Journal articleIsraeli pre-transitional justice and the Nakba-Law
Yoav Kapshuk, Lisa Strömbom
(2021) Israel Law Review, 54 p.305-323
Journal articleExploring analytical avenues for agonistic peace
Lisa Strömbom
(2020) Journal of International Relations and Development , p.1-23
Journal articleLeadership and Normative Entrepreneurship in the UN Security Council: : Sweden’s quest for peace in the Middle East
Karin Aggestam, Lisa Strömbom
(2020) Sweden in the UN Security Council
Report chapterCivil Society Democratising Global Governance? : Potentials and Limitations of “Counter-Democracy”
Sara Kalm, Lisa Strömbom, Anders Uhlin
(2019) Global Society, 33 p.499-519
Journal articleExploring Prospects for Agonistic Encounters in Conflict Zones : Investigating Dual Narrative Tourism in Israel/Palestine
Lisa Strömbom
(2019) Alternatives, 44 p.75-93
Journal articlePeacebuilding in the Middle East
Karin Aggestam, Lisa Strömbom
(2019) Routledge Handbook on Middle East Security , p.141-153
Book chapterKonfliktlösning i delade städer : En jämförande fallstudie
Lisa Strömbom, Annika Björkdahl
(2017) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 119 p.543-563
Journal articleMemory and Agency in Intractable Conflicts : Revisited Pasts
Lisa Strömbom
Working paperCounter-conduct in divided cities : Resisting urban planning policy in Jerusalem
Lisa Strömbom
(2017) Peacebuilding, 5 p.239-254
Journal articleConclusion – Contestation in divided cities
Lisa Strömbom, Annika Björkdahl
(2015) Divided Cities: Governing diversity , p.237-249
Book chapterDivided Cities – Governing Diversity
BookIntroduction - Governing contested issues in divided cities
Lisa Strömbom, Annika Björkdahl
(2015) Divided Cities: governing diversity , p.15-41
Book chapterResistance in divided Jerusalem: contesting urban planning policy
Lisa Strömbom
(2015) Divided cities: Governing diversity , p.175-197
Book chapterTowards agonistic peacebuilding? : Exploring the antagonism–agonism nexus in the Middle East Peace process
Karin Aggestam, Fabio Cristiano, Lisa Strömbom
(2015) Third World Quarterly, 36 p.1736-1753
Journal articleWhose place?: emplaced narratives and the politics of belonging in East Jerusalem's contested neighbourhood of Silwan
Lisa Strömbom, Mannergren Selimovic Johanna
(2015) Space & Polity, 19
Journal articleThick Recognition: Advancing thoery on identity change in intractable conlficts
Lisa Strömbom
(2014) European Journal of International Relations, 20 p.168-191
Journal articleIsraeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation
Lisa Strömbom
(2013) Series in Political Psychology
BookIdentity shifts and conflict transfromation - Probing the Israeli history debates
Lisa Strömbom
(2013) Mediterranean Politics, 18 p.78-96
Journal articleDisempowerment and marginalisation of peace NGOs: Exposing peace gaps in Israel and Palestine
Karin Aggestam, Lisa Strömbom
(2013) Peacebuilding, 1 p.109-124
Journal articleLocal peacebuilding between fear and fatigue in Israel and Palestine
Karin Aggestam, Lisa Strömbom
Conference paperRevisiting the Past : Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation
Lisa Strömbom
(2010) Lund Political Studies