Adam Almqvist

Adam Almqvist has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (2023) and is currently a Postdoc Fellow at CMES Lund. Before coming to Lund, he was a Postdoc Fellow at the University of Chicago’s Department of Political Science. His research explores the entanglements of political authoritarianism and global neoliberalism, focusing particularly on youth politics in the Middle East. His dissertation examined so-called Government-Organized NGOs (GONGOs) in Jordan that target youth, exploring changing autocratic citizenship after the abandonment of state distribution and universal welfare provisions. At CMES, he will work on a project on Political Youth and the UN’s Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) Agenda. He has published his research in Mediterranean Politics and Maghreb-Machrek.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Review: Mayssoun Sukarieh 2023: A Global Idea: Youth, City Networks, and the Struggle for the Arab World. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY and London.
Adam Almqvist
(2024) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
ReviewIsrael begraver folkrätten – Sverige hejar på : Israel begraver folkrätten – Sverige hejar på
Adam Almqvist
(2024) etc.magazine
Newspaper articleCMES Regional Outlook: The Jordanian Parliamentary Elections
Adam Almqvist
(2024) CMES Regional Outlook
Web publication