The text is published in Joanna Długosz-Jóźwiak et al (eds.), Festschrift Joerden (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt Oder, 2023).
This article is opened by explaining a specific type of hate speech: Holocaust denial. I will establish that Holocaust denial is a form of hate speech. The article is concerned with the expression of this idea by educators. I make some constructive distinctions that will help in crystallizing our treatment of teachers who are Holocaust deniers. Should we allow Holocaust deniers to teach in schools? I will attempt to answer this question through a close look at the Canadian experience in dealing with such educators. In this context, the article probes the leading case of James Keegstra. I will argue that hate mongers cannot assume the role of educators. Educating and preaching hate come one at the expense of the other. You can either educate or preach hate. You cannot do both.
Keywords: hate speech, Holocaust denial, education, academic freedom, Canada, Auschwitz lie