The book,Världen som väntar: vårt liv i klimatförändringens Sverige (English translation: The World That Awaits: Our Life in Sweden During Climate Change) addresses the changes we are seeing in Sweden in terms of climate change: less snow, more rain and hotter summers. Despite this, many Swedes are under the misguided impression that climate change is something that only impacts people in other parts of the world. Global warming is already threatening our access to food, causing the development of new diseases and impacting our role in global politics. In the book, Alestig paints a picture of what life in Sweden will be like in terms of issues such as extreme weather events, energy supply and democracy.
In the book's last chapter, Lina Eklund contributes with her research on conflict and climate change, specifically speaking about the war in Syria and whether it is an armed conflict caused by climate change. She also addresses the intersections of climate, migration and conflict more generally.