CMES Seminar: "Gaza's Cycle of Destruction and Rebuilding: Understanding the Actors, Dynamics, and Responses"
Welcome to a CMES Research Seminar with Ghassan Elkahlout (Doha Institute for Graduate Studies) on the destruction and rebuilding of Gaza.
Speaker Bio
Ghassan Elkahlout is the Director of the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies. He is an Associate Professor in Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action at the Doha Insitute for Graduate Studies. His specialized experience covering three decades of professional work includes the areas of humanitarian response, post-war early recovery, and capacity building. Dr Elkahlout received his PhD in post-war reconstruction and development studies from the University of York, United Kingdom, in 2001.
Prior to joining the Doha Institute in 2016, Dr Ghassan Elkahlout led a distinguished and varied career as a humanitarian professional. This involved working for international organizations including the United Nations, the International Federation of Red Crescent Societies, and Islamic Relief Worldwide. He served as a member of a wide range of emergency humanitarian response teams and has extensive field experience in conflict and disaster-affected contexts including but not limited to Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Libya, and Jordan.
About the event
CMES Seminar Room (Finngatan 16)
info [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se