Dalia Abdelhady

Dalia Abdelhady (PhD in Sociology, State University of New York at Albany) works with various issues related to migration from and through the Middle East. Following a comparative perspective, her work focuses on the meeting point between individual immigrants (and their communities) and institutions in receiving countries (such as schools, labour markets, media and political policies).
Current Projects
- Media portrayals of the 2015 refugee crisis
- Forms of solidarity and communal belonging among Syrian refugees
- The experiences of socio-economic mobility among the children of immigrants
- The interplay between globalization and nationalism in the shaping women’s public roles
Diaspora, globalization, Syrian refugees, integration, second generation, cultural expression, gender
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Unmasking the Impact of Bureaucratic Violence on Refugees
Nina Gren, Dalia Abdelhady, Martin Joormann
(2024) Refuge - Canada's Journal on Refugees, 39 p.1-13
Journal article”I en demokrati kan en statsminister stå ut med att bli störd.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Karin Zackari, Dalia Abdelhady, Victor Pressfeldt
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper article”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleGaza and the Right to Have Rights
Dalia Abdelhady, Nahikari Irastorza, Martin Joormann, Jacob Lind, James Root
(2024) Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 14 p.1-3
Journal article (comment)Politikerna struntar i klimatforskningen : 420 forskare: Regeringens politik är katastrofal – nu måste fler svenskar kräva en omställning
Glenn Bark, Karin Gerhardt, Jeannette Eggers, Paul Glantz, Maria Wolrath Söderberg, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet Debatt
Newspaper articleAtt vara emot urskillningslöst dödande har inget med antisemitism att göra
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Victor Pressfeldt, Dalia Abdelhady, Anton Öhman, David Bowling, et al.
(2023) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleHow capital shapes refugees’ access to the labour market: : the case of Syrians in Sweden
Dalia Abdelhady, Akram Al Ariss
(2023) International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34 p.3144-3168
Journal articleSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleSpecial Issue on Bureaucratic Violence - Introduction
Nina Gren, Dalia Abdelhady, Martin Joormann
(2023) Refuge - Canada's Journal on Refugees
Journal articleRe-Envisioning Immigrant Integration: Toward Multidirectional Conceptual Flows
Dalia Abdelhady, Ov Cristian Norocel
(2023) Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 21 p.119-131
Journal articleJournal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies : Re-Envisioning Immigrant Integration: Toward Multidirectional Conceptual Flows
(2023) Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 21
Editor for a journalComing to and coming from the Middle East: the unfolding of diaspora
Dalia Abdelhady, Ramy Aly
(2023) The Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas , p.1-19
Book chapterResisting marginalisation, renegotiating gender: intersectional narratives of diaspora experiences
Dalia Abdelhady
(2023) The Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas , p.209-220
Book chapterPerceptions of success among working-class children of immigrants in three cities
Dalia Abdelhady, Amy Lutz
(2022) Ethnicities, 22 p.815-837
Journal articleWhat Can We Learn from the Reception of Ukrainian Refugees?.
Lena Näre, Dalia Abdelhady, Nahikari Irastorza
(2022) Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 12 p.255-258
Journal article (comment)Politiska aktivister från Mellanöstern – en energi för Europas demokratier
Sarah Anne Rennick, Dalia Abdelhady
(2022) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleHuman Interest Stories in the Coverage of Syrian Refugees : A Case Study from Turkey
Dalia Abdelhady, Fatmanur Delioglu
(2022) Mashriq & Mahjar, 9 p.93-120
Journal articleNJMR : Over 10 Years of Commitment to Publishing Excellent Research
Dalia Abdelhady, Peter Holley, Nahikari Irastorza
(2022) Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 12 p.376-378
Journal article (comment)‘Welcoming’ European welfare states are forcing refugees through mazes of harmful rules
Dalia Abdelhady, Martin Joormann, Nina Gren
(2021) The Conversation
Journal articleMedia Constructions of the Refugee Crisis : Institutions and the Challenges of Refugee Governance
Dalia Abdelhady
(2020) Refugees and the Violence of Welfare Bureaucracies in Northern Europe , p.122-143
Book chapterIntroduction
Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren, Martin Joormann
(2020) Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe
Book chapterWorking-Class Children of Mexican Immigrants in Dallas, Texas
Amy Lutz, Dalia Abdelhady
(2020) City & Community, 19 p.310-314
Journal articleRamy Aly: Becoming Arab in London: Performativity and the Undoing of Identity
Dalia Abdelhady
(2020) Mashriq & Mahjar, 7
ReviewFraming the Syrian Refugee: : Divergent Discourses in Three National Contexts
Dalia Abdelhady
(2019) The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises , p.635-635
Book chapterSwedish Media Representation of the Refugee Crisis : Islam, Conflict and Self-Reflection
Dalia Abdelhady, Gina Fristedt Malmberg
(2018) Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Interreligious Hermeneutics : Ways of Seeing the Religious Other , p.107-136
Book chapterRefugees in Europe : national overviews from key countries with a special focus on child and adolescent mental health
Matthew Hodes, Melisa Mendoza Vasquez, Dimitris Anagnostopoulos, Kalliopi Triantafyllou, Dalia Abdelhady, et al.
(2018) European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27 p.389-399
Journal articleNo longer a waltz between red wine and mint tea : the portrayal of the children of immigrants in French newspapers (2003–2013)
Matthew Clare, Dalia Abdelhady
(2016) International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 50 p.12-28
Journal articleLebanese Women Transnational Immigrant Experiences : A Gendered Geographies of Power Approach
Dalia Abdelhady
(2015) In Line with the Divine : The Struggle for Gender Equality in Lebanon
Book chapterThe Nile and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Is There a Meeting Point between Nationalism and Hydrosolidarity?
Dalia Abdelhady, Karin Aggestam, Dan-Erik Andersson, Olof Beckman, Ronny Berndtsson, et al.
(2015) Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 155 p.73-82
Journal articleThe Transition from School to Work for Children of Immigrants with Lower-Level Educational Credentials in the United States and France
Amy Lutz, Yael Brinbaum, Dalia Abdelhady
(2014) Comparative Migration Studies, 2 p.227-254
Journal articleThe narratives of the arab uprisings: towards a cultural analysis of social movements in the Middle East
Conference publicationHow Similar Educational Inequalities Are Constructed in Two Different Systems, France and the United States : Why They Lead to Disparate Labor-Market Outcomes
Richard Alba, Roxanne Silberman, Dalia Abdelhady, Yaël Brinbaum, Amy Lutz
(2013) The Children of Immigrants at School : A Comparative Look at Integration in the United States and Western Europe , p.160-203
Book chapterThe Sociopolitical History of Arabs in the US: Assimilation, Ethnicity and Global Citizenship
Dalia Abdelhady
(2013) Behavioral Care for Arab Americans: Perspectives on Culture, Psycho-Social Development, and Health
Book chapterWomen and Globalization in the GCC: Negotiating States, Agency and Social Change
Dalia Abdelhady, May Aldabbagh, Ghalia Gargani
ReportDownward Assimilation and Mexican Americans: An Examination of Intergenerational Advance and Stagnation in Educational Attainment
Richard Alba, Dalia Abdelhady, Tariq Islam, Karen Marotz
(2011) The Next Generation , p.95-109
Book chapterThe Lebanese Diaspora: The Arab Immigrant Experience in New York, Montreal and Paris
Dalia Abdelhady
BookGender, Sexuality and the Lebanese Diaspora : Global Identities and Transnational Practices
Dalia Abdelhady
(2011) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies : Original Essays and Interviews , p.547-554
Book chapterThe Myth of Return Revisited : Gendered Perceptions of the Homeland
Dalia Abdelhady
(2010) Politics, Culture and the Lebanese Diaspora , p.133-150
Book chapterReview of Race and Classification: The Case of Mexican America (by Ilona Katzew and Susan Deans-Smith (Eds.)
Dalia Abdelhady
(2010) Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33 p.1840-1841
ReviewReview of Studies in Social Organization: Ethnicity, Class, and Politics (by George A. Kourvetaris)
Dalia Abdelhady
(2008) Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 37 p.298-300
ReviewRepresenting the Homeland : Lebanese Diasporic Notions of Home and Return in a Global Context
Dalia Abdelhady
(2008) Cultural Dynamics, 20 p.53-72
Journal articleCultural Production in the Lebanese Diaspora : Memory, Nostalgia and Displacement
Dalia Abdelhady
(2007) Journal of Political & Military Sociology, 35 p.39-62
Journal articleBeyond Home/Host Networks : Forms of Solidarity Among Lebanese Immigrants in a Global Era
Dalia Abdelhady
(2006) Identities, 13 p.427-453
Journal articleGalileo's Children : Italian Americans' Difficult Entry into the Intellectual Elite
Richard Alba, Dalia Abdelhady
(2005) Sociological Quarterly, 46 p.3-18
Journal articleImmigrant identities, communities and forms of cultural expression : The Lebanese diaspora in New York, Montreal, and Paris
Dalia Abdelhady
DissertationReview of Muslims in the United States: The State of Research (by Karen Isaksen Leonard)
Dalia Abdelhady
(2004) Social Forces, 83 p.444-445
ReviewWomen's Perceptions of Abortion in Egypt
Dale Huntington, Laila Nawar, Dalia Abdelhady
(1997) Reproductive Health Matters, 5 p.101-107
Journal article