Joel Abdelmoez
PhD Student

Joel W. Abdelmoez is a PhD student in comparative politics of the Middle East, working on feminist movements, transnational activism, temporality, and gender politics in the Middle East, with particular focus on Egypt and Tunisia. He is a former adjunct lecturer and Director of Studies for Middle Eastern Studies at Stockholm University. He holds a BA and MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Stockholm University and an MPhil in Multidisciplinary Gender Studies from the University of Cambridge.
Feminism(s), queer theory, gender politics, performance and performativity, contentious politics, mediatization, popular culture.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The 'Arab Spring' as a Milestone in Feminist Performance
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2024) Milestones , p.95-112
Book chapter”Stödet för palestinier är inte avhängigt deras inställning till hbtq-rättigheter”
Joel W. Abdelmoez, Orlando Deya Davidson, Ylva Emel Karlsson, Sammy Häggdahl, Begard Reza, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleTransnational feminist activism in the contemporary Middle East : Practices of community, relationality, and history.
Joel W. Abdelmoez
Conference - other”Inte min upplevelse att förorter är en farozon för hbtq-personer."
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2023) Sydsvenskan
Journal article (comment)Good Tidings for Saudi Women? Techno-Orientalism, Gender, and Saudi Politics in Global Media Discourse
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2022) CyberOrient, 16 p.4-34
Journal articleConstructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa , by Mohja Kahf and Nadine Sinno (eds.)
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2022) Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 15
ReviewDeviants, Queers or Scissoring Sisters of Men? : Translating and Locating Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Arab World
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2021) Palgrave Handbook of Queer and Trans Feminisms in Contemporary Performance
Book chapterPerforming (for) Populist Politics : Music at the Nexus of Egyptian Pop Culture and Politics
Joel Wiklund Abdelmoez
(2020) Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 13
Journal articleThe Egyptian broadcasting sector between 1920 and 2020
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2020) Routledge Handbook on Arab Media , p.63-73
Book chapterTeknologins och genus parallella samproduktion
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2020) Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 81 p.127-136
Journal articleKorangy, A., Al-Samman, H. and Beard, M. (eds), The Beloved in Middle Eastern Literatures: The Culture of Love and Languishing (London: I.B. Tauris, 2018)
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2019) Anthropology of the Middle East, 14 p.152-158
ReviewMuscles, Moustaches and Machismo: Narratives of Masculinity by Egyptian English-Language Media Professionals and Media Audiences
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2018) Masculinities: A Journal of Culture and Society , p.197-225
Journal articleIs it a revolution or a coup? : Scandinavian media representations of the ousting of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy
Joel W. Abdelmoez
(2017) Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 6 p.109-131
Journal article
Research Project
Current Project at CMES
Comparative Feminist Activism in the Middle East (2021-ongoing), funded by the MECW Research Program