Pinar Dinc
Dr. Pınar Dinç has a Ph. D. in Political Science from the Department of Government at the London School of Economics. Her research interests lie in the areas of nationalism, ethnicity, social movements, memory, diaspora and the conflict-environment nexus in the Middle East and beyond. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science. She leads the interdisciplinary Exploring Conflict- Environment Interactions for Sustainable Development and Conservation Project, ECO-Syria, since September 2023, which is funded by the Strategic Research Area: The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University.
Nationalism, collective identity, conflict, diaspora, Turkey and Kurds, political ecology
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Syria’s self-governing democratic north-east comes under attack with country in flux
Pinar Dinc
(2024) The Conversation
Journal articleCMES Regional Outlook: The Fall of the Assad Regime: Challenges and Opportunities for Rojava
Pinar Dinc
(2024) CMES Regional Outlook
Report”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleCropland abandonment in the context of drought, economic restructuring, and migration in northeast Syria
Lina Eklund, Berit Mohr, Pinar Dinc
(2024) Environmental Research Letters, 19
Journal articleSyrian farmers in the midst of drought and conflict: the causes, patterns, and aftermath of land abandonment and migration
Pinar Dinc, Lina Eklund
(2024) Climate and Development, 16 p.349-362
Journal articleFires as collateral or means of war: challenges of environmental peacebuilding in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Lina Eklund, Pinar Dinc
(2024) Ecology & Society, 29
Journal articleCMES Regional Outlook: The Turkish Elections
Pinar Dinc
(2023) CMES Regional Outlook Series
Web publicationFrom resolution to resecuritization: populist communication of the AKP’s Kurdish peace process in Turkey
Pinar Dinc, Ozge Ozduzen
(2023) New Perspectives on Turkey, 68 p.71-94
Journal articleThe semantics and substance of contesting Turkishness in the diaspora
Pinar Dinc
(2023) Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas , p.159-170
Book chapterIntroduction
İmren Borsuk, Pınar Dinç, Sinem Kavak, Pınar Sayan
(2022) Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Resistance in Turkey : Construction, Consolidation, and Contestation , p.1-10
Book chapterConsolidating and Contesting Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Turkey: Towards a Framework
İmren Borsuk, Pınar Dinç, Sinem Kavak, Pınar Sayan
(2022) Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Resistance in Turkey : Construction, Consolidation, and Contestation , p.11-59
Book chapterEnvironmental Racism and Resistance in Kurdistan
Pinar Dinc
(2022) The Commentaries, 2
Journal articleThe Syrian Climate-Migration-Conflict Nexus: : An Annotated Bibliography
Gianna Angermayr, Pinar Dinc, Benedicte Anthony, Lina Eklund
ReportDrought, war and rural livelihoods in Syria’s northeast : a spatiotemporal perspective
Lina Eklund, Pinar Dinc
Conference paper: abstractOn the Geopolitics of Fire, Conflict and Land in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Lina Eklund, Abdulhakim M. Abdi, Aiman Shahpurwala, Pinar Dinc
(2021) Remote Sensing, 13 p.1575-1575
Journal articleEuro-Who? Competition over the definition of Dersim’s collective identity in Turkey’s diasporas
Pinar Dinc
(2021) Turkish Studies, 22 p.49-73
Journal articleFighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment : the Case of Forest Fires in the Dersim Province of Turkey
Pinar Dinc, Lina Eklund, Aiman Shahpurwala, Ali Mansourian, Augustus Aturinde, et al.
(2021) Human Ecology, 49 p.481-493
Journal articleDersim 1937-38 : Shifts and continuities in the state discourse and reasoning under Kemalism and Erdoğanism
Pinar Dinc
(2021) The Kurds in Erdogan's ‘New' Turkey : Domestic and International Implications
Book chapterForest Fires in Dersim and Sirnak : Conflict and Environmental Destruction
Pinar Dinc
(2021) Ecological Solidarity and the Kurdish Freedom Movement : Thought, Practice, Challenges, and Opportunities
Book chapterDr. Pınar Dinç: Çatışmalar artınca yangınlar da çoğalıyor
Pinar Dinc
(2020) Evrensel
Newspaper articleDoğanın imhası, Türklük Sözleşmesi'nin gereği
Pinar Dinc
(2020) Yeni Özgür Politika
Newspaper articleThe content of school textbooks in (nation) states and “stateless autonomies” : A comparison of Turkey and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (Rojava)
Pinar Dinç
(2020) Nations and Nationalism, 26 p.994-1014
Journal articleThe Kurdish Movement and the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria: An alternative to the (nation-)state model?
Pinar Dinc
(2020) Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 22 p.47-67
Journal articleÇözüm süreci sonrası Dersim'de orman yangınları ve çatışma ilişkisi
Pinar Dinc
(2020) Birikim , p.109-120
Journal articleTurkish decree on coloured uniforms for coup suspects could sow seeds of future unrest
Pinar Dinc
(2018) The Conversation
Journal articleNovels and Short Stories as Products of Nationalist Competition: The Case of Dersim 1937-38 in Turkey
Pinar Dinc
(2017) Nationalities Papers, 46
Journal articleLSE Middle East Centre Blog: “Dersim Region: The Switzerland of Turkey?”
Pinar Dinc
(2016) LSE Middle East Centre Blog
Web publicationLSE Middle East Centre Blog: “Will Turkey Remember the Syrian Citizenship Debate”
Pinar Dinc, Francesca Capoluongo
(2016) LSE Middle East Centre Blog
Web publicationCollective memory and competition over identity in a conflict zone: the case of Dersim.
Pinar Dinc
DissertationLSE Eurocrisis Blog: “The EU-Turkey Deal: Ambiguities and Future Scenarios”
Pinar Dinc, Irem Aydemir
(2016) LSE Eurocrisis Blog
Web publicationBook review: Formation of the Turkish Nation‐State, 1920–1938
Pinar Dinc
(2015) Nations and Nationalism, 21
ReviewBook review: The Alevis in Turkey and Europe: Identity and Managing Territorial Diversity
Pinar Dinc
(2014) Middle Eastern Studies, 50
ReviewDiscrimination and silence: minority foundations in Turkey during the Cyprus conflict of 1974
Pinar Dinc
(2012) Nations and Nationalism, 18
Journal article
Research Projects
Current Projects at CMES
Climate Stress Syria (2020-2023)
ECO-Syria: Exploring Conflict-Environment Interactions for Sustainable Development and Conservation (2023-2026), funded by the MECW Research Program
FIRE: Fighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment (2018-ongoing)
Turkey Beyond Borders - Critical Voices, New Perspectives (2020-ongoing)