Mo Hamza

Mo Hamza has a position as Professor at the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety and is also affiliated with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) and with the Centre for Middle Eastern Advanced Studies (CMES) at Lund University.
He has a career balanced between academia and practice working with a variety of international humanitarian and aid agencies and teaching, research and managing academic programmes at universities. He has engaged and, continue to, work with and advise organisations such as: The World Bank, Asia Development Bank, UNDP, UNISDR, USAID, DfID, IFRC, Sida, ActionAid, Swedish Red Cross, The Swedish Environment Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), The Swedish Statistics Bureau (SCB), and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSB. He undertook consultancy and operational work in: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Botswana, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Eastern Europe and the Balkan States. Previously he was the course leader of the Masters in Disaster Management (MDMa) at the University of Copenhagen; and the Munich-Re Foundation Chair of Social Vulnerability Studies at the United Nations University (UNU). He was the lead author and editor of the World Disasters Report (2015) “Focus on local actors: the key to humanitarian effectiveness".
His current work and research focus on: Disaster risk and vulnerability reduction; climate change impact and adaptation in fragile and failed states with a special focus on environmental migration and displacement; refugee decision-making and refugee integration in host societies; and organisations' capacity development.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
A collaborative adaptation game for promoting climate action : Minions of Disruptions™
Minja Sillanpää, Ana Capri Mauro, Minttu Hänninen, Sam Illingworth, Mo Hamza
(2024) Geoscience Communication, 7 p.167-193
Journal articleRefugee agency in secondary mobility decision-making : A systematic literature review
Sinem Kavak, Mo Hamza, Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen, Russell Stone
(2024) Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 6
Journal article reviewFutureless futures : Reflections on life in doomed places in Nordic countries
Mo Hamza, Reidar Staupe-Delgado, Kerstin Eriksson
(2024) Nordic Approaches to Climate-Related Human Mobility , p.117-133
Book chapterRefugee agency in secondary mobility decision-making : A systematic literature review
Sinem Kavak, Mo Hamza, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Russell A. Stone
(2024) Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 6
Journal article reviewThe fragmentation of climate change adaptation – the Sweden case
Tomas Wörlund Rylenius, Mo Hamza
(2024) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 15 p.497-515
Journal articleInclusivity in online and distance disaster education : A review of educators' views
A. Samarakkody, A. Senanayake, C. Malalgoda, D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, et al.
(2023) Progress in Disaster Science, 20
Journal articleTowards an Inclusive Disaster Education : The State of Online Disaster Education from the Learner’s Perspective
A.C. Senanayake, A Samarakkody, C Malalgoda, D Amaratunga, R Haigh, et al.
(2023) Sustainability, 15
Journal articlePreface
Mo Hamza, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Richard Haigh, Chamindi Malalgoda, Chathuranganee Jayakody, et al.
(2023) Rebuilding Communities After Displacement : Sustainable and Resilience Approaches
PrefaceSpecial Issue: Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities
(2022) Global Discourse, 12
Editor for a journalApproaches to strengthen the Social Cohesion between Displaced and Host Communities.
C. Jayakody, C. Malalgoda, D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, C. Liyanage, et al.
(2022) Sustainability (Switzerland), 14
Journal articleAddressing Housing Needs of the Displaced People Promoting Resilient and Sustainable Communities
Chathuranganee Jayakody, Chamindi Malalgoda, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Richard Haigh, Champika Liyanage, et al.
(2022) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 13 p.368-385
Journal articleCrisis: critical and interdisciplinary perspectives
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Helle Rydström, Mo Hamza, Vanja Berggren
(2022) Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations, 12 p.456-459
Journal article (comment)Special Issue on Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities
(2022) Global Discourse, 12 p.456-703
Editor for a journalA built environment perspective on post-disaster and conflict- induced displacement.
Mo Hamza
ReportThe Case for Interdisciplinary Crises Studies
Annika Bergman Rosamond, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Mo Hamza, Jeff Hearn, Vasna Ramasar, et al.
(2022) Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations, 12 p.465-486
Journal articleRefugees’ Integration in the Built Environment: The Sweden Case
Mo Hamza
(2021) Sustainability, 13
Journal articleLocating potential sources of capacity and vulnerability in geographically remote areas : Reflections based on three case studies
Mo Hamza, Kerstin Eriksson, Reidar Staupe-Delgado
(2021) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63
Journal articleGendered dimensions of migration in relation to climate change
Phudoma Lama, Mo Hamza, Misse Wester
(2021) Climate and Development, 13 p.326-336
Journal article reviewRole of the Built Environment in Rebuilding Displaced and Host Communities.
R.R.J.C. Jayakody, C. Malalgoda, D. Amaratunga,, R. Haigh, C.L. Liyanage, et al.
(2021) Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction. , p.69-92
Book chapterSPACAP Working Paper No. 2 : How do Swedish Public Agencies understand, approach and operationalize Capacity Development work abroad?
Jenny Iao-Jörgensen, Mo Hamza, Joakim Anger, Maria del Mar Morales
ReportCOVID-19 and All the Things That Kill Us : Research Ethics in the Time of Pandemic
Elizabeth Marino, Joyce Rivera-Gonzalez, Mara Benadusi, Alexa Dietrich, Mo Hamza, et al.
(2020) Practicing Anthropology, 42 p.36-40
Journal articleSPACAP Working Paper No. 1 : How do Swedish Public Agencies understand, approach and operationalize Capacity Development work abroad?
Jenny Iao-Jörgensen, Lama Phudoma, Mo Hamza, Joakim Anger
ReportThe Human Dimension of Early Warning. : A viewpoint
Mo Hamza, Peter Månsson
(2019) International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 11 p.263-274
Journal articleClimate change perspectives and adaptation strategies of business enterprises : A case study from Italy
M. E.C. Aguinaldo, T. Daddi, M. Hamza, F. Gasbarro
(2018) International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 26 p.129-140
Journal articleDisaster-induced displacement in the Caribbean and the Pacific
Mo Hamza, Ida Koch, Matthew Plewa
(2017) Forced Migration Review, 56 p.62-64
Journal articleConservation Organizations Need to Consider Adaptive Capacity : Why Local Input Matters
Elizabeth Mcleod, Brian Szuster, Jochen Hinkel, Emma L. Tompkins, Nadine Marshall, et al.
(2016) Conservation Letters, 9 p.351-360
Journal articleUsing Expert Knowledge to Develop a Vulnerability and Adaptation Framework and Methodology for Application in Tropical Island Communities
Elizabeth Mcleod, Brian Szuster, Emma L. Tompkins, Nadine Marshall, Thomas Downing, et al.
(2015) Coastal Management, 43 p.365-382
Journal articleHow to adapt the UNDAC system for large-scale floods
Mo Hamza, Francesco Frezzetti
(2015) Crisis Response Journal, 11 p.58-60
Journal articleSetting the stage: local actors, the present and the future of humanitarian action
Mo Hamza, Andrew Cartwright
(2015) World Disasters Report: Focus on Local Actors, the Key to Humanitarian Effectiveness. , p.11-37
Report chapterNurturing Knowledge, Creating Community : Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Alliance Knowledge Product
Mo Hamza, Michele Young
ReportEnvironment and Mobility : A View From Four Discourses
Lezlie Morinière, Mo Hamza
(2012) Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 4 p.795-807
Journal articleDifficult Environments : Bridging Concepts and Practice for Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development
Mo Hamza, Dan Smith, Janani Vivekananda
ReportClimate Change and Fragile States : Rethinking Adaptation
Cosmin Corendea
(2012) SOURCE, ‘Studies of the University: Research, Counsel, Education, Publication Series of UNU-EHS, 2021
BookClimate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe : A Review of Risk Governance
Mo Hamza, Michael Longanecker
BookClimate change, environmental degradation and migration
K. Warner, M. Hamza, A. Oliver-Smith, F. Renaud, A. Julca
(2010) Natural Hazards, 55 p.689-715
Journal articleThe Political and Social Agendas in Policy Making in the Urban Sector. The case of Egypt (1950s-1990s)
Mo Hamza
(2010) Social and Economic Development Volume IV : Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)
Book chapterTipping Points in Humanitarian Crisis : From Hot Spots to Hot Systems.
Xiaoming Shen, Thomas Downing, Mo Hamza
(2010) UNU-EHS SOURCE, 13
BookEmerging Issues : Forced Migration by Climate Change
Mo Hamza, Lezlie Morinière, Richard Taylor, Nilufar Matin, Basra Ali
(2010) Climate Change Adaptation and International Development : Making Development Cooperation More Effective , p.333-361
Book chapterEarly Warning and Prediction Systems : Why Technology Alone is Not the Answer
Mo Hamza, Lezlie Morinière
(2010) Encyclopaedia of Disaster Relief, 2
Article in encyclopediaSocio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Afghanistan : A Report to the Department for International Development
Matthew Savage, William Dougherty, Mo Hamza, Ruth Butterfield, Sukaina Bharwani
ReportClimate Change and its Humanitarian Impacts
Lezlie Morinière, Richard Taylor, Mo Hamza, Thomas Downing
(2009) Humanitarian Horizons Project
BookGlobal Footprint Mapping & Micro-Simulation : A Tool for Risk Management
Lezlie Moriniere, Richard Taylor, Mo Hamza
(2009) Earthzine
Journal articleThe state, foreign aid and the political economy of shelter in egypt
Mohamed Hamza
(2004) Market Economy and Urban Change : Impacts in the Developing World , p.77-96
Book chapterReconceiving the knowledge-base of planning education in the developing world
Mo Hamza, Roger Zetter
(2000) Third World Planning Review, 22 p.433-455
Journal articleEgypt: The State, Foreign Aid and Community Participation in Urban Development Projects
Roger Zetter, Mo Hamza
(1998) International Planning Studies, 3 p.185-205
Journal articleStructural Adjustment, Urban Systems and Disaster Vulnerability in Developing Countries
Mo Hamza, Roger Zetter
(1998) Cities, 15 p.291-299
Journal articleThe Impact of Foreign Technical Assistance on Development Projects in Egypt
Roger Zetter, Mo Hamza
(1997) Habitat International, 21 p.153-166
Journal article
Research Project
Current Project at CMES
ECO-Syria: Exploring Conflict-Environment Interactions for Sustainable Development and Conservation (2023-2026), funded by the MECW Research Program